Wednesday, July 10, 2013



Today I would like to share with you about some unhealthy food. Nowadays fast food is a very common in this urbanization era. People always in and out the fast food restaurant. Is that all the items in the fast food restaurant are unhealthy?? Maybe yes and maybe not. Even though you were allowed to eat some unhealthy foods in moderation when you were young, some foods can be so deceiving that you think of them as healthy but can actually cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Here are the most unhealthy foods that you will need to cut back on or totally eliminate from your diet.

10. Doughnuts

Doughnuts are favorite treats of adults and kids alike but if you break them down, they are nothing but refined sugar, flour, and artificial flavors made from partially hydrogenated oil loaded with trans fats. Aside from being made from white flour, which is stripped of nutrients, it also contains gluten and refined sugar from high fructose corn syrup, including the Trans-fat that causes heart disease.

9. Sushi

You may think that sushi is a good choice as it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, but the fish used could contain high mercury or worst the infested with parasites. The dipping sauces also cancel out the benefit of eating raw as they can add fat and calories. Besides the deep-fried rolls, crispy tempura and white rice, other unhealthy things associated with sushi include the soy sauce, mayonnaise, the pickled ginger, and the caviar. A better option is to stick with fresh fish with plenty of veggies for a more satisfying meal while maintaining your waistline.

8. Turkey

You might believe that turkey is leaner than ground beef, but you need to pay attention from which part it came from, where breast is the leanest and the skin unhealthiest, including the toppings used. Turkey, though a white meat, can be high in nitrates and sodium that is bad for your heart. Add some cranberry sauce, a piece of cheese and a buttered bun on your turkey sandwich with full-fat mayo and you will surely have a calorie bomb.

7. Fat-free Salad Dressing

Look at the ingredients of the fat-free salad dressing being offered today and you will fins that they are filled with additives and preservatives aside from their high sugar and sodium content. The healthier option is still by drizzling your salad with balsamic vinegar and other spices and herbs.

6. Bran Muffins

Though most manufacturers of bran muffins would argue that they are healthy, you are actually submitting yourself to a load of sugar, saturated oils, corn syrup, flour, unnatural additives and other preservatives when eating one. Even the low-fat variety is not very healthy as sugar is usually added to compensate for its bland taste, which does not make it less caloric and probably less filling than their full-fat counterparts. The best option is still for you to make them from scratch as you will have control over the ingredients used.

5. Reduced-fat Peanut Butter

Reduced-fat peanut butter contains the same amount of calories per serving as the full-fat variety as manufacturers add sugars and other fillers as substitute to the monounsaturated fats that they had taken out. Regular peanut butter is filled with the good monounsaturated fats, so look for a natural peanut butter with no added oils or ground your own at home.

4. Margarine

Both margarine and butter have the same amount of calories, but butter is still a healthier option. Studies showed that eating margarine can increase heart diseases in women by 53% as it is very high in trans fatty acids, and can lower quality of breast milk. It can also increase the total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol), while lowering the HDL level (good cholesterol). There is also a study conducted that showed that it is just one molecule away from being plastic.

3. Yogurt

Just because it is fat-free, it does not make yogurt healthy. Most flavored yogurts have 15 grams of sugar in their tiny 6-ounce serving. Even the frozen yogurt with its variety of toppings is not spared due to its sugar content that can add up the calories. Besides the high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors, flavored yogurt also contain carrageenan, a fiber filler, which means that they do not contain fruits whatsoever. The better alternative is the plain Greek yogurt that you can flavor with natural fruit slices and top it off with honey.

2. Dried Fruits

Though DRIED FRUITS are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, a lot of companies add sulfur and sugar for longer store shelves. Check the label for ingredients such as sucrose or partially hydrogenated oil. Even if you can buy some unsweetened varieties at health stores, it is still a better alternative to eat fresh fruits instead as they are more filling with fewer calories per serving to boot.

1. Protein Bars

Protein bars are considered as unhealthy since most of them are highly processed and may even contain artificial ingredients and fibers. If your protein bar has more than 200 calories or 8 grams of sugar, it is more like a candy bar with added protein. Aside from being expensive, other protein bars have no nutritional advantages. Look for one that contains 15% of your daily need of iron, 8% of your daily needs of calcium and 20% of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and C, B6and B12, vitamin E, chromium and magnesium, etc. based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

so, that's all for this entry. I really hope that you get the information from this entry.  Remember, we can eat all these items, but try to cut down the amount of these items. Take care of your own health. 
"Think carefully before eat!! let's practice a healthy lifestyle :)"